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Hello, I am Brother Richard, a Bishop in the Order of Melchizedek (a spiritual organization of souls devoted to serving the enlightenment of others). This site is my work. It conveys the Teachings of the Ascended Masters as they apply to the world of human politics. I created it because so many well-meaning metaphysicians and mystics miss the mark in this regard. The 2024 election cycle is upon us. I am presenting this material to help those on a spititual Path better understand the implications and consequences of their political activities.

The paragraphs below explain what this site is all about, and what can be found where. If you're new to the site, please consider going through it all in order. I believe that it will make more sense that way. Who knows, you might have a bit of serendipity! I'm always delighted to discover something interesting that I hadn't been looking for.

The main purpose of this site is to bring an advanced spiritual perspective to the world of politics. But, before we get into any of the issues or politicians, we're going to discuss the basis for what we have to say. The purpose of doing so is to create a foundation for the positions we take without having to repeat ourselves for each one.

There are many spiritual paths, many meanings of the word "spiritual" itself. What I mean here is what most would call metaphysical or mystical. I do not mean mainstream religion, though there are elements of what will be said here that cross over into that space as well. If you think of yourself as "religious" rather than "spiritual", then what's presented here may not make a great deal of sense to you. If you think of yourself as being those in the opposite order, then it hopefully will.

Where are you?

People who care about politics often polarize into one of two positions, which have the labels "Left" and "Right". There is wisdom and foolishness in both. That is to be expected. They are human creations. We humans are "Perfectly Imperfect". Our limitations and ignorance are a part of who we are. We're all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. That experience includes what many call "mistakes" (and the Angels call "learning experiences"). The key is to recognize that all of this is how we grow, how we discover who we really are as Divine Beings. Don't stop learning.

Some of what you read here may challenge your existing beliefs. Good! You can accept what we present, or not. That's up to you. It is offered here to give you something to think about. All that we ask is that, if you do find yourself initially disagreeing with it, that you do what you can to give it a fair hearing: Sit with it for a bit before really deciding. Read it more than once. Do what you can to set aside whatever Cognitive Dissonance or Confirmation Bias you might be experiencing. Who knows, you might accomplish one of the most marvelous of mental feats, you might actually change your mind!

You may have noticed that I am using both first person singular and first person plural pronouns here. When I speak in the singular, I mean it personally. When I use the plural form, I am also speaking as an emmisary for the Ascended Masters with whom I work. The message is theirs, which I am doing my best to convey.


Divine Law

Politics is about the laws that humanity makes for itself. Those can and do change over time. In fact, most political activity is about instituting those changes. But, there are laws that don't change, Divine Laws. They are not about what is or is not a crime. They are about what is and what is not. They define the qualities and nature of existance, both in the spiritual world and this one. This page discusses the Divine Law that forms the base for our council as set forth on the many Issues pages.


This page is about the context of Earth as school for spiritual evolution. Most metaphysical teachers share this idea with their students to assist them as they walk a Spiritual Path (working towards their own Ascension). We add commentary regarding how to rightly apply it to the affairs of humanity.


This page is about how our perspective, the way we look at things, affects what we see.


This page presents a menu of the many issues and candidates that are part of the current political landscape (and which we've written something about). It is still very much under construction.