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Some things just are...

Just like Newton's Laws of Motion, there are certain "Laws" that explain what is in this word of form. This page presents a number of those in order to set the basis for the rest of the material presented on this site. Our intention is not to convince you that these things are true, merely to remind you of them and make clear where we are coming from when we say that a particular political position is "Good" or "Bad". Here we go...

Unity vs Duality

In spirit, all is one, all is Good (God). In mater, there is the appearance of duality, of good and bad. This site is about things in the material plane. It is about the degree to which those ideas and those expressing them, are aligned with a divine / spiritual perspective. From the level of pure spirit, it's all good and none of this really matters at all. It's just a game that we humans are playing as part of our growth and development. But, we are not at the level of pure spirit. We are in the material plane. From that place, the choices we make and the things that we do do matter. That is why those who care about politics engage in it at all. They (we) want to advocate for the choices and outcomes that we prefer, that we think are better.

You have a choice about which level of thinking to engage in, about what perspective to see things from. But, it is a mistake to try to mix the two. This is not spirit. The rules of that dimension do not apply here. If they did, then there would be no reason for here. The mater plane exists so that people can experience duality and reconcile themselves with it through transcendence and self-mastery. As was said by a wise one long ago: We are here to "Be in the world, but not of it."


It's not "once and out". We reincarnate many times as part of becoming Masters. There is a part of us, what many call the soul, that is immortal and invincible. We are not humans who have a soul, we are souls who have several bodies over time. Our soul plans out each incarnation in great detail before we begin it. Some call this a "Divine Plan". It is a set of possiblities whose realization depends on your Free Will. It is not a pre-ordained linear script.

Sometimes our soul plans an option for us that includes an experience that is unpleasant to the human we will become. This can be for many reasons. One common purpose is to give us an experience that is the counter-point of one we've already had, what some call "balancing karma". Being a slave after a life of having been a slave-owner would be an example of that. So would being murdered after a past life of having murdered another.

Another common purpose is to help another soul have an experience that they need for their spiritual progress. Sometimes someone has to play the villian or be the one in need of rescuing. At the level of the soul, this is often undertaken as a gift of love whether or not the one doing so needs to have that experience for other reasons themself. From that perspective, it's just like being an actor on stage or in a movie. As our soul sees it, everything that happens here is quite temporary.


Nothing happens in the material world that has not been agreed to by the souls of all affected by it. Ever. There are no accidents or coincidences. Everyone who is sick, poor, or otherwise what some called "troubled" in some way has agreed to be in that situation. But, that does not mean that they are "supposed" to stay that way.

As was said above, sometimes one soul chooses to undergo a hardship for it's own sake. But, sometimes it does so for the sake of others. In those cases, it can be to give the others a reason to be helpful. Yes, souls choose to script their human experience to include suffering, and even death, to motivate kindless and caring in others.

There is no easy way to know which of those two situations applies in any given instance. The fact is that it can be a combination of both. Some in a group may be experiencing what they are so that they can balance a bit of karma (They've got it coming...). Others may be there just to give you and me a reason to do something about it.